
2023-05-05 15:34:02    来源:科学网    








北京时间2023年5月5日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第142期上线,本期邀请到加利福尼亚大学陈俊(Jun Chen)、东华大学严威(Wei Yan)两位教授进行分享青年科学家奖专题。


Jun Chen

University of California

Smart Textiles for Personalized Health Care


There is nothing more personal than healthcare. Health care should move from its current reactive and disease-centric system to a personalized, predictive, preventative, and participatory model with a focus on disease prevention and health promotion. As the world marches into the era of the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G wireless, technology renovation enables the industry to offer a more individually tailored approach to healthcare with better health outcomes, higher quality, and lower cost. However, empowering the utility of IoT-enabled technologies for personalized health care is still significantly challenged by the shortage of cost-effective on-body biomedical devices to continuously provide real-time, patient-generated health data.


Textiles have been concomitant and played a vital role in the long history of human civilization. Incorporating sensing and therapeutic capabilities into everyday textiles could be a powerful approach to the development of personalized healthcare. Merging biomedical devices and textiles becomes increasingly important owing to the growing trend of IoT since it could serve as on-body healthcare platforms with incomparable wearing comfort. In this talk, I will introduce our current research on smart textiles for biomonitoring, therapeutics, power supply, and textiles body area network for personalized health care.



Dr. Jun Chen is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of California, Los Angeles. His research focuses on nanotechnology and bioelectronics for energy, sensing, and therapeutic applications in the form of smart textiles, wearables, and body area networks. He has published two books and 260 journal articles, with 160 of them being corresponding authors in Chemical Reviews (2), Chemical Society Reviews (2), Nature Materials, Nature Electronics (4), Nature Communications (4), Science Advances, Joule (3), Matter (10), Advanced Materials (12), and many others. His works were selected as Research Highlights by Nature and Science seven times and covered by world mainstream media over 1,200 times in total, including NPR, ABC, NBC, Reuters, CNN, The Wall Street Journal‎, and Scientific American. He also filed 14 US patents, including one licensed. With a current h-index of 97 and 55 ESI Highly Cited Papers, Dr. Chen was identified to be one of the world’s most influential researchers in the field of Materials Science by the Web of Science Group.

陈俊博士,现任加州大学洛杉矶分校生物工程系助理教授,并创建了可穿戴生物电子实验室,致力于以纳米技术和生物电子为基础,以智能织物、可穿戴器件和人体局域网为形式的,在能源、传感、环境和医疗领域内的前沿应用研究。已经出版书籍2册,论文260多篇,其中以通信作者在Chemical Reviews (2), Chemical Society Reviews (2), Nature Materials, Nature Electronics (4), Nature Communications (4), Science Advances, Joule (3),Matter (10), Advanced Materials (12) 等刊物发表论文160余篇。其作品七次入选《自然》和《科学》杂志研究热点,并被 NPR、ABC、NBC、路透社、CNN、《华尔街日报》、《科学美国人》、《新闻周刊》等世界主流媒体共报道 1200 余次。此外,他还申请了 14 项美国专利,其中一项获得了许可。他目前的H指数为97,连续2019,2020, 2021, 2022年入选Web of Science 全球高被引学者。

Beyond research, he is an associate editor of Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Med-X, and Textiles. He also serves Advisory/ Editorial Board Members of Matter, Nano-Micro Letters, Materials Today Energy, Cell Reports Physical Science, and The Innovation. Among his many accolades are the V. M. Watanabe Excellence in Research Award, Nano Research Young Innovator Award, BBRF Young Investigator Award, ACS PMSE Young Investigator Award, MINE Young Investigator Award, Materials Today Rising Star Award, Advanced Materials Rising Star, ACS Nano Rising Stars Lectureship Award, Chem. Soc. Rev. Emerging Investigator Award, Fellow of the InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials, UCLA Society of Hellman Fellows Award, Okawa Foundation Research Award, JMCA Emerging Investigator Award, Nanoscale Emerging Investigator Award, Frontiers in Chemistry Rising Stars, Highly Cited Researchers 2019/2020/2021/2022 in Web of Science, etc.

陈俊博士现任Biosensors and Bioelectronics; Med-X; Textiles等杂志的副主编,也是Matter, Nano-Micro Letters, Materials Today Energy, Cell Reports Physical Science, The Innovation等国际期刊的编委会成员。陈俊博士最近获得的奖项与荣誉包括V. M. Watanabe Excellence in Research Award, BBRF Young Investigator Award, Nano Research Young Innovator Award, ACS PMSE Young Investigator Award, MINE Young Investigator Award, Materials Today Rising Star Award, Advanced Materials Rising Star, ACS Nano Rising Stars Lectureship Award, Chem. Soc. Rev. Emerging Investigator Award, Fellow of the InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials, UCLA Society of Hellman Fellows Award, Okawa Foundation Research Award, Thought Leaders by Azo Materials; 30 Life Sciences Leaders To Watch by Informa, JMCA Emerging Investigator Award, Nanoscale Emerging Investigator Award, Frontiers in Chemistry Rising Stars, Highly Cited Researchers 2019/2020/2021/2022 in Web of Science, etc.

Wei Yan

Donghua University

Intelligent Fiber Electronics and Optoelectronics


Fibers hold great societal relevance and impact on our everyday lives. They are essential building blocks of a broad spectrum of entities from the clothes on our body to aircraft constructs in space. While ubiquitous, fibers are typically made of single materials with simple functions. The capabilities of fibers have for the most part remained unchanged for millennia. In this talk, I will present unprecedented fibers integrating innovative metals, semiconductors, dielectrics and microchips, transforming these ancient yet largely underdeveloped forms into intelligent human-interfaced devices and smart systems for healthcare, biomedicine and security. Fiber electronics and optoelectronics are emerging, delivering value-added services for our society.



Dr. Wei Yan is a full professor at the State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, China. Prior to returning to China, he served as a Nanyang Assistant Professor jointly appointed at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) and the School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He worked as a postdoctoral associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, and a Scientist at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He holds a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from EPFL (2017).

严威,东华大学材料科学与工程学院、纤维材料改性国家重点实验室教授/博士生导师。“国家高层次青年人才”专家,中国“35岁以下科技创新35人” (麻省理工科技评论),“上海市领军人才”专家。曾任新加坡南洋理工大学 “南洋助理教授”,电子与电气工程学院及材料科学与工程学院双聘、博士生导师。美国麻省理工学院MIT博士后,瑞士联邦理工学院EPFL博士,科院金属研究所材料科学国家实验室硕士,中南大学粉末冶金国家重点实验室学士。

His research interests focus on next-generation human-interfaced flexible and soft fiber electronics for healthcare, medicine, energy, neuroscience, robotics and textiles. He has published many articles in high-profile internationaljournals, such as Nature (1), Nature Nanotechnology (2), Advanced Materials (4), and Nature Communications (2). He is a co-inventor for 4 US patents. His research work has been highlighted by many prestigious media and journals, such as Nature, Science, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature News, Nature Podcast, National Science Review, MIT, EPFL, US Army, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Science and Technology Daily, China, China Science Daily, The Wall Street Journals, etc.

长期从事智能材料、纤维电子与光电子、可穿戴电子、智能织物的多学科交叉研究。开发出纤维多模态传感与成像、纤维脑机接口、智能声学服装等重要前沿技术,为健康监测、个性化医疗、神经系统疾病原因解析、太空安全监测等提供了独特的解决方案。先后以通讯/第一作者在国际杂志如Nature、Nature Nanotechnology、National Science Review等发表学术论文30余篇。授权PCT国际发明专利4项(1项在美国转化)。研究工作受到学术杂志如Nature、Science、Nature Nanotechnology,500余家全球权威学术机构及专业媒体如《中国科学院官方主页》、《科技日报》、《中国科学报》、《人民网》、《科学网》、《美国陆军》、《MIT官方主页》、《EPFL官方主页》、《华尔街日报》的深入报道与积极评价。

担任瑞士国家科学基金海外评审专家、荷兰国家研究委员会海外评审专家、Advanced Fiber Materials 、InfoMat等国际期刊的青年编委会专家。

He has received many prestigious awards and honors, such as 35 Innovators under 35 of China, InternationalAssociation of Advanced Materials (IAAM) Young Scientist Medal, finalist for the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2022 in Engineering and Technology (in total 30 finalists worldwide), the 1st Place, NASA Tech Briefs Design Competition (Aerospace/Defense Category) 2022, Professor René Wasserman Award in 2019 (the only winner) and IEEE Best Young Scientist Award in 2021.

He serves as a funding reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Dutch Research Council, a member for the Editorial Advisory Board of "Nanotechnology" (IOP Science), an Editorial Board member of "Advanced Fiber Materials" (Springer Nature) and an Editorial Board member of "Med-X" (Springer Nature) and InfoMat (Wiley).

曾获国际先进材料协会青年科学家金奖,德国跨界创新基金会2022年度科学突破奖(工程与技术领域)最终候选人(全球30人,其他如美国四院院士John Rogers),美国国家航空航天局科技竞赛一等奖,国际电气与电子工程师协会最佳青年科学家奖,iCANX青年科学家奖(全球10人),瑞士联邦理工博士学位论文奖 (唯一获奖人),美国光学学会最佳论文奖,Advanced Fiber Materials (科院1区,IF:12.9) 青年编委杰出贡献奖等。



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