Recently, ChatGPT, a chatbot developed by OpenAI, went viral with related topics generating a lot of buzz.
类似ChatGPT一样的 聊天机器人等人工智能工具可以迅速生成越来越复杂的书面内容,并已被用于执行各种任务。
Chatbots and artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT that can almost instantly produce increasingly sophisticated written content are already being used to perform a variety of tasks.
“用魔法打败魔法 (Magic must defeat magic) ”,ChatGPT到底会影响哪些职业?我们直接把这一问题抛给了ChatGPT。
ChatGPT先谦虚了一把:“作为一个语言模型 (language model) ,我并没有预测未来的能力。”
进而, 它说:“因为有我这样的技术,目前由人类完成的一些任务可能会实现自动化或进一步简化。”
Further on, it says, “…but it is likely that some tasks currently performed by people may become automated or streamlined by technology like me…”
美国哥伦比亚广播公司 (CBS News) 总结了短期内最有可能被ChatGPT和类似的AI工具取代的五项工作任务:
Computer programming
ChatGPT can write computer code to program applications and software. It can check human coders" language for errors and convert ideas from plain English into programming language.
哥伦比亚商学院教授欧迪·内策尔 (Oded Netzer) 说:“如果只是把一个点子转化成代码,那完全可以由机器来做。因此在某种程度上,我们确实不需要那么多程序员了,它可能会抢走工作岗位。但它也将帮助那些编程人员发现代码中的错误,并更有效地编写代码。”
"If you are writing a code where really all you do is convert an idea to a code, the machine can do that. To the extent we would need fewer programmers, it could take away jobs. But it would also help those who program to find mistakes in codes and write code more efficiently," Netzer said.
Basic email
内策尔 也谈到,基于管理目的设置的电子邮件,例如安排或取消会议,也可以直接外包 (outsource) 给ChatGPT。
Writing simple administrative or scheduling emails for things like setting up or canceling appointments could also easily be outsourced to a tool like ChatGPT, according to Netzer.
"There"s hardly any creativity involved, so why would we write the whole thing instead of saying to the machine, "I need to set a meeting on this date,"" he said.
Mid-level writing
麻省理工学院经济学家 大卫•奥特尔 (David Autor) 指出,AI可以接手一些中级白领的工作,例如撰写人力资源信函、广告文案和新闻稿。
David Autor, an MIT economist who specializes in labor, pointed to some mid-level white-collar jobs as functions that can be handled by AI, including work like writing human resources letters, producing advertising copy and drafting press releases.
"Bots will be much more in the realm of people who do a mixture of intuitive and mundane tasks,” he said. “There is no question that software will make them cheaper.”
Media planning
创意产业也可能受到影响。世界上最大的广告和公关集团WPP的创始人苏铭天爵士 (Sir Martin Sorrell) 预测,五年之内公司决策和购买广告位 (ad space) 的方式将实现自动化。
Creative industries are likely to be affected, too. Noted advertising executive Sir Martin Sorrell, founder of WPP, the world"s largest ad and PR group, said on a recent panel that he expects the way companies buy ad space will become automated "in a highly effective way" within five years.
他认为最大的改变是,机器能帮助公司“收集数据 (pool the data) ”,从而优化购买决策。
Legal functions
ChatGPT"s abilities translate well to the legal profession, according to AI experts as well as legal professionals. In fact, ChatGPT"s bot recently passed a law school exam and earned a passing grade after writing essays on topics ranging from constitutional law to taxation and torts.
常见的法律文书,例如房屋租聘协议 (home lease agreements) 、遗嘱和保密协议 (wills and nondisclosure agreements) ,都是高度标准化的,可以由先进的机器人来起草。
内策尔 说:“虽然某些部分需要人工编写,但90%的法律文书都是复制粘贴的。我们没有理由不让机器来撰写这部分文件。”
"There are parts of a legal document that humans need to adapt to a particular situation, but 90% of the document is copy pasted," Netzer said. "There is no reason why we would not have the machine write these kinds of legal documents."